Uses for garlic

12/06/2008 at 2:43 pm (herbs, uncategorized) ()

noel writes-

Ever heard of a garlic foot bath? I hadn’t either until I read 10 Essential Herbs by Lalitha Thomas. I tried it back when we first moved to Kansas. I had been battling a cold for way longer than I wanted to. I figured, why not?

Now before you think I’m totally crazy here’s some thoughts for you: A garlic bath (or foot bath) is a great way to relax, rejuvenate, detoxify, and an enjoyable way to dose yourself with garlic to make SHORT work of many common colds, flu and daily stresses. It is also a dynamic form of prevention of illness. If you’re still reading this, then here’s how to find some relief:

First get some garlic water. Garlic water is made from fresh garlic crushed or blended well in pure water. Strain out the pulp or not according to use. This water can be added to foot bath, bathtub or used as an antibiotic wash for wounds.

Make some garlic water and add to a small tub of hot water. Soak your feet for 20 minutes or more. This footbath will draw toxins from the entire body, soothe tension and anxiety, rejuvenate sore or tired feet and legs, speed recovery from colds and flu.

Dosage: For each one gallon of water in the foot bath, add 10-16 cloves of fresh garlic crushed well or blended with approximately 2 cups of water. no need to strain for this purpose.

I like the cloves for when I’m sick but if the sickness is lingering, I’ll cut it short with a garlic foot bath! It’s no fun being sick!!!

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11/27/2008 at 10:15 am (herbs, uncategorized) ()

Noel writes-

Around this time of year, many people are using cloves to stick in their ham to bake for the holidays. Did you know that cloves are good for much more than that? Too many people think that you have to use something expensive or hard to find if you’re feeling out of sorts. With the cold weather settling in, you might find yourself with a sore throat or stuffed up head. I know I was a few months ago. So, that’s when I took out my container of whole cloves and made myself a cup of tea.

Yes, you read right, I drink clove tea! It is delicious.

This is how I make it for our family. I take 1/4- 1/2 teaspoon whole cloves and simmer it in one cup of water for 10 minutes. I make sure to use a tight fitting lid while it simmers. This makes enough for one person. I don’t like to double it for two people, (I just simply make two separate batches) because it’s stronger tasting, more potent than tea. If it does come out darker and stronger, then I simply take 1/4 cup at a time. You can also reuse the cloves a few times for other batches.

I usually sweeten it bit with a few drops of honey, but the other day I made some, and decided to try it unsweetened. It was really good.

So, the next time your throat is feeling sore, or you’ve got a sinus headache, breathe in the steam of the tea as you drink it. I think you’ll be surprised at how much better you’ll feel. Cloves is good for much more than just what I’ve mentioned. To find out more uses of cloves, read my favorite book.

I like this book because she goes through 10 herbs that are found in most cupboards and the directions are easy to follow with great results. I haven’t tried all the herbs mentioned, just the ones I find every day in my cupboard. I sure like this book very much!

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Upset tummy tea

11/11/2008 at 9:04 am (animals, food, herbs)

This morning Milo (our dog) woke up with a stomach ache. Usually I give him a little bit of pepto bismol, if I can catch him. He hates the pink stuff! I figured if we’re trying to find more natural things for us to take for ailments, why not him. So, I grabbed a book I’m borrowing from a friend called Country Wisdom and Know-how and looked up to see what kinds of recipes it had for dogs. I noticed the book had some really good simple herbal recipes for animals and was pleased when I had all the ingredients. It called for peppermint, ground cloves and ground ginger. 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day. Since he’s so small, I gave him 1 teaspoon and he actually seemed to like it! It’s basically made like tea and I have to wonder if it won’t work on humans too. I think I’ll try it before I reach for a peppermint candy to soothe a stomach ache.

The recipe: Take one cup of water and bring to a rolling boil. Add 1 teaspoon dried peppermint, 1 pinch of ground cloves, 1 pinch of ground ginger. Turn off heat and steep for 10-15 minutes. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for 2 days. 1-2 teaspoons, 3 times a day.

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thoughts and tea

09/28/2008 at 2:40 pm (herbs, thoughts)

I bought some nettle a few years back but couldn’t ever find a way to make it taste good until today. I tried a new recipe that I found going through some old papers. Sweetened with a bit of raw sugar and just the right temperature it is very delicious!

I heard a radio program the other night after Nick and I were talking about the way things are in the world today. I don’t remember any of the program other than a verse that was mentioned. I really liked it and found myself encouraged reading it over and over. So, I thought I’d share it here:

Habakkuk 3:17

17Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:

18Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

No matter what happens from here on out, God is with us. There is no reason to fear or worry with Him by our side.

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